Paint films have been developed by several experienced companies. These films are laminated by Positron onto ABS, TPO, HDPE, or other suitable material and are made ready for the thermoformer to produce finished parts right out of the mold!.

Positron has developed a clean room environment with machinery specifically designed to laminate Class A Surface Quality, where the paint film lamination process is carried out.

On the right, you see a beautiful bright yellow paint film being laminated onto TPO Substrate.

Beautiful Woodgrains, brushed metals, patterns and designs are laminated to plastic sheets and roll stock by Positron  to allow customers to make everything from picture frames, to fishing boats and ATV's.

Below are some photographs of finished products that are made with decorative foil laminated plastic produced by Positron:


Chrome Laminated Plastic Bumper

Positron has developed a method to laminate chrome foil to thick sheet ABS and TPO which can later be thermo-formed into products such as bumpers and grills for vehicles.

We are also capable of laminating vac-formable foam to plastic sheets which are then formed into items such a fender covers or "dunnage" products.

Positron has become effecient at laminating "Class A" materials for the automotive industry and throughout our many years of plastic lamination experience, we have successfully ventured though "automotive vehicle launch" programs.

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(800) 882-6404

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